Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Post

Hello bitches, Trolls, Movie Junkies, and Video Game Gurus, and general every other kind of nerd out there. This is a new gig to me so I'm probably going to blow like something that blows (hairdryer?) at this so be reasonable. First order of business I'd like to start out with is just a simple hello to all the nerds out there and to lay down the line of whats going to happen at this place. This is a place for all the nerds, gamers, and geeks of the world to intermingle with one another and talk about the latest creations in the nerdy nations whether that be from "Dungeons and Dragons" to "Warcraft" or whatever tickles your nerdy fancy. As for me I'm thinking of either kicking back some oldies with "Sim City 4" one of my favorite games of all time, or taking a leap to the largely popular and another one of my favorites games of all time, "Starcraft 2", unsure yet, however I do know it will be a fun time considering I'll be filled with the joys of The Who's Album "Tommy"

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