Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nothing & Shitty music

Today I acomplished nothing! a whole lot of it too. I sat on my ass so much it began to hurt so I had to stand :p I did so little I spelt acomplished wrong twice and im not even going to fix them. fuck you know what i hate? Shitty ass music! thats what! Watching a parkour and free running video and what do i hear but shitty music and its something that makes me remember something i'd rather not and that was of prom. its not that prom its self was shitty but fuck the music was and it just proved even more why i hate my girl's friends. One of them with a birth defect that makes it look like she ate shit for breakfast everyday and that shit rotted her teeth out ate from my fucking plate and got that brown shit from her mouth on my food while i went to the bathroom, so fucking pissed about that right there. i'll still say it, your girlfriends friends are the worst thing in a relationship (till you meet the inlaws.) seriously i stopped trying to be nice to them, then you put up with them, then your gf fully accepts you for what you are and you really start to hate them  and you really let the whole damn world know about that shit (ITS TRUE, I'M TELLING YOU NOW!) So my advice for the day is get up every ten minutes when your not doing anything so you dont get fat like Bill Cosby in "Roberto Grande" thats fat albert for all you don't know much. Hate your girlfriends friends, infact go shoot her best friend right now, the bitch deserves it for the hell she'd put ya through, and don't listen to shitty music because its not DYNAMITE! LaTer Bitches.

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