Saturday, June 18, 2011

Writing, In new Text! And Spoilers :D

After looking at how some of the text looks in this think i go, "You know, that looks like real shit! Its so fucking hard to read I might as well be trying to read in braille through my computer screen. Shoutout Sunday is tomorrow and normally i wouldn't spoil who i'm going to do it on but fuck its the first one, i don't have to follow any rules on here about what i type so i'll just spoil on who it is now and follow it up with tomorrow's post on him. Yes Him! ITS A MAN! :O oh fuck yes and let me tell you he did make me do it. I'm just sitting here chillin' listening to NOT SHITTY MUSIC! and drinking my bear seamen.  If you did not get any of these that i just said then you are either stupid or not relating yourself to the "Starcraft" community because of fuck yes i'm talking about mother fucking Day[9] as my first shout out! (That's Sean Plott for all you professionals out there.) So look forward to that tomorrow. Band of the day is Yes, if you don't know who they are check them out and one of their songs, "Heart of the Sunrise" Seriously fucking genius with one of the best intro's i've ever heard. Well that's all for me tonight ladies, I'ma take a shower, maybe a dump if my ass is up to it but other than that i'm out of it, later Bitches.

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