Saturday, June 18, 2011


Oh Buttfuck was i wrong! I'm back one more time to give a public service announcement about splashback! (NOT FLASHBACK) No! not flashback splashback or flushback or oh fuck i got a mud monkey ticking my ass trying to pull me into the toilet as i flushed the damn thing. If you have ever taken a shit and i know there are a few of you out there that haven't  then you have experienced splashback. What is splashback? Asked the audience, Good Question! splash back is when you take a dump and either on the flush or the initial landing of said turd into toilet when the water bounces back up and tickles you in the ass. Now there is no machine that allows this to not happen, there is no special type of toilet that prevents this from happening but there is a simple way to solve the problem. when you go to take a crap, put a square of 2 of toilet paper in the toilet bowl before you let your lunch go through the other end. The paper takes it like a sponge and no splashback, Aren't I a fucking Genius! Seriously though, you should do that because we all know how fucking annoying splashback is.

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