Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday Shoutout 1: Sean "Day[9]" Plott

The man that has done the most for the starcraft community in the past five years definitely needs a good write up, however he is soooooo goood that i cant even begin to explain how good he is. So for the first sunday (monday) shoutout im just going to feed the links to his crap because thats about all i can do do describe what he has done by showing what he has done.

sunday shoutout delay

sorry to delay the first sunday shoutout, but personal life got in the way. plan on doing it tomorrow though.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Sittin back watching some Dreamhack for Starcraft 2, waiting for Idra vs Mc epicness is going to happen there, i suggest you tune in to it too! BTW COMMENTED BY THE GREAT SEAN PLOTT, look forward to shoutout sunday later tonight.
Almost forgot the link
Later Bitches

Saturday, June 18, 2011

God fucking damnit

I don't get my girlfriend sometimes... She goes to seattle and tells me she'll be back wensday. talk to her today and she says thursday now and says she never said wensday and now she is fucking pissed at me for saying wensday... wtf. seriously i love the girl but sometimes it seems like she pulls this crap just to piss me off and give her a reason to be mad at me, with all the shit she puts me through with her fucking stress on society friends and with her forgetfulness and considering how she is a bad girlfriend... the real question is why the fuck am i still with her,...because i love her, and love makes us do the stupids of things imaginable...fuck me i hate love.


Oh Buttfuck was i wrong! I'm back one more time to give a public service announcement about splashback! (NOT FLASHBACK) No! not flashback splashback or flushback or oh fuck i got a mud monkey ticking my ass trying to pull me into the toilet as i flushed the damn thing. If you have ever taken a shit and i know there are a few of you out there that haven't  then you have experienced splashback. What is splashback? Asked the audience, Good Question! splash back is when you take a dump and either on the flush or the initial landing of said turd into toilet when the water bounces back up and tickles you in the ass. Now there is no machine that allows this to not happen, there is no special type of toilet that prevents this from happening but there is a simple way to solve the problem. when you go to take a crap, put a square of 2 of toilet paper in the toilet bowl before you let your lunch go through the other end. The paper takes it like a sponge and no splashback, Aren't I a fucking Genius! Seriously though, you should do that because we all know how fucking annoying splashback is.

Writing, In new Text! And Spoilers :D

After looking at how some of the text looks in this think i go, "You know, that looks like real shit! Its so fucking hard to read I might as well be trying to read in braille through my computer screen. Shoutout Sunday is tomorrow and normally i wouldn't spoil who i'm going to do it on but fuck its the first one, i don't have to follow any rules on here about what i type so i'll just spoil on who it is now and follow it up with tomorrow's post on him. Yes Him! ITS A MAN! :O oh fuck yes and let me tell you he did make me do it. I'm just sitting here chillin' listening to NOT SHITTY MUSIC! and drinking my bear seamen.  If you did not get any of these that i just said then you are either stupid or not relating yourself to the "Starcraft" community because of fuck yes i'm talking about mother fucking Day[9] as my first shout out! (That's Sean Plott for all you professionals out there.) So look forward to that tomorrow. Band of the day is Yes, if you don't know who they are check them out and one of their songs, "Heart of the Sunrise" Seriously fucking genius with one of the best intro's i've ever heard. Well that's all for me tonight ladies, I'ma take a shower, maybe a dump if my ass is up to it but other than that i'm out of it, later Bitches.

Nothing & Shitty music

Today I acomplished nothing! a whole lot of it too. I sat on my ass so much it began to hurt so I had to stand :p I did so little I spelt acomplished wrong twice and im not even going to fix them. fuck you know what i hate? Shitty ass music! thats what! Watching a parkour and free running video and what do i hear but shitty music and its something that makes me remember something i'd rather not and that was of prom. its not that prom its self was shitty but fuck the music was and it just proved even more why i hate my girl's friends. One of them with a birth defect that makes it look like she ate shit for breakfast everyday and that shit rotted her teeth out ate from my fucking plate and got that brown shit from her mouth on my food while i went to the bathroom, so fucking pissed about that right there. i'll still say it, your girlfriends friends are the worst thing in a relationship (till you meet the inlaws.) seriously i stopped trying to be nice to them, then you put up with them, then your gf fully accepts you for what you are and you really start to hate them  and you really let the whole damn world know about that shit (ITS TRUE, I'M TELLING YOU NOW!) So my advice for the day is get up every ten minutes when your not doing anything so you dont get fat like Bill Cosby in "Roberto Grande" thats fat albert for all you don't know much. Hate your girlfriends friends, infact go shoot her best friend right now, the bitch deserves it for the hell she'd put ya through, and don't listen to shitty music because its not DYNAMITE! LaTer Bitches.